Realism at No.9 Cork Street

13 - 29 April 2023
Dastan presents “Realism”, an exhibition at Frieze’s No.9 Cork Street featuring the work of 24 Iranian artists. “Realism” opens on April 13th, 2023, and continues through April 29th. “Realism” examines the tension between ‘perceived reality’ and ‘real life experience’ in the work of artists who have either addressed the notion of realismin their practice or have employed it as an aesthetic strategy to formulate andexpress their lives—particularly as Iranians hold different vantage points. They substantiate their experiences, observations, and emotions through painterly marks and sculptural forms. What they present is certainly real: whether they aredepictions in realistic and realism-inspired aesthetics or emotional gestures and interpretations, they are all impressions of what is real.